Hello Reader, I’m Martin

Martin Rezny
2 min readAug 17, 2021


Welcome to my thoughts on life, the universe, and everything

I write about many things, have done so for many years, so trying to find your way around my blog may be daunting. These are some major topics:

Game Development

Philosophy and Spirituality

Reforming Education

Communication Skills

Fiction and Storytelling

UFO Reality

Sci-Fi Science

Understanding Magic

Astrology and Skepticism

Here are some other ways to navigate my writing. Words of Tomorrow is my main publication, in which you can browse my articles by tags. Sometimes, I also publish articles of other authors in the publication. If you feel like you wrote a long-form article that deals with something related to any of the topics I cover, feel free to find me on social media and submit your article.

Other than this publication, I have one other dedicated to the sci-fi universe that I’m creating called Masters of the Future. It includes short stories and encyclopedic entries meant for a space 4X turn-based strategy computer game in early stages of development. Or more accurately 12X, a new game system that I’m developing, in a new diagramming system I call Hexorama.

If you want to support my writing, as well as my other creative activities like my electronic music, my sci-fi and fantasy concept art, or my YouTube channel, you can do so through my Patreon. I want everything I create to be freely accessible online, and any support you offer will help ensure that.

